Christopher Kelty
Christopher Kelty
Christopher Kelty
Teaching & Research Interests
- Nanotechnology
- Development of computer science
- Anthropology
- Cultural significance of information technology
Select Publications
- Kelty, C. (2014). The fog of freedom. In Gillespie, T., Foot, K., and Boczkowski, P., editors, Media
Technologies: Essays on Communication, Materiality, and Society. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. - Currie, M., Kelty, C., and Murillo, L. F. R. (2013). “Free software trajectories: From organized publics to
formal social enterprises?” Journal of Peer Production, 1(3). - Kelty, C. M. (2013b). “There is no free software.” Journal of Peer Production, 1(3).
- Kelty, C. (2012b). From participation to power. In Delwiche, A. and Henderson, J., editors, The Participatory
Cultures Handbook. Routledge, New York and London.