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Social Research Methodology Division

In the Social Research Methodology graduate division, students design and conduct research and evaluation, develop and apply new techniques, analyze and interpret data in the context of theory and practice, and critically examine research-based claims. The programs are designed for students who are primarily interested in methodology as an area of research and have particular interests in specific educational areas or issues. The SRM division offers two degree programs: the M.A. and the Ph.D. SRM also offers a certificate program in Advanced Quantitative Methodology in Educational Research which is open to all UCLA graduate students.
Bunche Hall columns


Overview of Program

The Social Research Methodology (SRM) Division is committed to the study and practice of methods of inquiry in educational and social research. The SRM curriculum emphasizes conceptualization of applied problems, design and conduct of research and evaluation, development and application of new methodological techniques, and analysis and interpretation of data in the context of educational theory and practice.

SRM aims to prepare students to:

  • Critically examine research and evaluation
  • Develop data collection designs and instruments
  • Conduct conceptual and statistical analyses appropriate to the field of education as well as other behavioral and social sciences

The SRM Division works with the SRM Evaluation and Assessment Group, CRESST (National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing), and the University of California Educational Evaluation Center (UCEC).


What Our People Do

The training that SRM students receive prepares them for work in a variety of fields. Recent SRM graduates have assumed positions either as faculty, consultants, or researchers in a number of institutions across the country.
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Graduate students at UCLA Department of Education benefit from — and contribute to — the resources of the country’s number one public graduate school of education.

A distinguished faculty committed to research and teaching and excellent research centers and institutes offer extraordinary opportunities for graduate endeavors. We are preparing the next generation of researchers and professionals to address some of the most pressing challenges in the field. Learn how SRM could be the right fit for you.

The Ed&IS Office of Student Services looks forward to assisting you through the application process. If we can be of service to you in any step of this process, please feel free to contact any one of our advisors.

Admission to the SRM Division is granted on a competitive basis. Review of dossiers is holistic and takes into consideration the unique combination of strengths and background of each candidate, in relation to their specific areas of interest.

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Our Faculty
Our faculty bring their commitment and practice to the study and practice of methods of inquiry to national editorships and to reaching broad readerships.

Read More about Faculty Editorships.

Contact Us

Division Head

Minjeong Jeon
(310) 794-4890

Division Administrative Assistant

Susana Guerrero
(310) 206-9393

Division Graduate Advisor
Student Representatives

Amanda Giuliano, Andrés Fernández Vergara, Ryan Lerch, Lizzet Rojas, Flora Zempleni